Grendel Girl 88


Grendel_Slayer has been sending me so many nice genomes I think they deserve their own page :)

Grendel_Slayer can be reached here: Grendel_Slayer

Note that the starterpairs are for DS, this means you'll have to use the eggmaker for C3 if you want to hatch some there. The eggmaker can be found at Jay D's page

!!! CONTEST !!! Read all about it here: ZIPZIPZIP



ZIPZIPZIPZIPZIP LONG LIFE NORNS are chichi, that have 10 ( and WAY above) times as much lifespan as a normal norn!
ZIPZIPZIPZIPZIP ORNAMENT NORNS.....I think this is starting to get creepy....but in any case....these are norns to put around your ship.....maybe as punchbags for your grendels? they won't feel a thing. How they look is a surprise.
FRAGILE NORNS. They have exotic purple colors and need a tender loving caring home they are much more susceptable to pain and are scared a lot of their live but are very affectionate the perfect pet!

The zip contains the genome and an eggfile.

MISTY NORNS are nice light purple bengals. They started kisspopping instantly :) They are amphibious too.

I hope GS won't mind I added the two I hatched.



the zip contains a genome and an egg file.

ORNAMENT GRENDELS, these just stand there, they have no drives and they can't move. you can drag them around by taking them by the hand, but they will just look like they are floating over the screen. I had a norn once like this. He had a nice daughter though who didn't have any of those genetic failures. i don't know if these can breed, GS told me they only have 3 gens.
PONDWEED GRENDELS are green coloured grendels with white hair. They look so cute :D

Also amphibious, and I added two freshly hatched babies.

MORTEM GRENDELS, they are red most of their lives but the color goes on and off ! They have a lot of edited gene's that make them more resistant to pain and much much angrier ! There a pretty tough lot ! They are named after the Latin word 'mortem' which means death.


ZIPZIPZIPZIPZIP ORNAMENT ETTINS, like the ornament grendels, only ettins.

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